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Sabtu, 01 Oktober 2016

Political discourse analysis

This is area of discourse analysis, I will explain about expert of political discourse analysis.

Norman Fairclough (born 1941) is emeritus Professor of Linguistics at Lancaster University. He is one of the founders of critical discourse analysis (CDA) as applied to sociolinguistics. CDA is concerned with how power is exercised through language. CDA studies discourse; in CDA this includes texts, talk, video and practices. Hesmondhalgh, D. "Discourse analysis and content analysis" (2006) In: Gillespie, M., and Toynbee, J. (eds) Analysing Media Texts. Maidenhead: Open University Press. pg 122Wodak, R. (2001) "What CDA is about" In: Wodak, Ruth & Meyer, Michael (eds.) (2001) Methods of Critical Discourse Analysis. London: Sage.Hutchby, Ian (2006) Media Talk, Open University Pres.
Norman Fairclough began work on CDA in the early 1980s (for my first use of the term, see 'Critical and descriptive goals in discourse analysis', Journal of Pragmatics 9 1985) with the aim of linking the academic work to his political activities. 
Norman Fairclough known for his thoughts on the critical discourse analysis. Concept which he forms focus on three levels, first, any text simultaneously has three functions, namely representation, relationships, and identity. Functions relating to the representation of the ways that is done to show the social reality into text form.
Second, the practice of discourse covers the ways in which media workers producing text. This relates to the reporters themselves as individuals; the nature of the work network with fellow journalists other media workers; media as an institution working patterns, such as how to cover the news, write news, to become news in the media.
Thirdly, the socio-cultural practices to analyze three things: the economy, politics (especially with regard to issues of power and ideology), and culture (particularly with regard to values ​​and identity) that also affect istitusi media, and discourse. The discussion of socio-cultural practices include three levels of situational rate, related to the production and level of the institutional context of the situation, with regard to the influence of internal and external institutions. Social level, associated with a more macro situation, such as the political system, economic system, cultural system and society as a whole.
Fairclough's line of study, also called textually oriented discourse analysis or TODA, to distinguish it from philosophical enquires not involving the use of linguistic methodology, is specially concerned with the mutual effects of formally linguistic textual properties, sociolinguistic speech genres, and formally sociological practices. The main thrust of his analysis is that, if according to Foucauldian theory practices are discursively shaped and enacted, the intrinsic properties of discourse, which are linguistically analyzable, are to constitute a key element of their interpretation. He is thus interested in how social practices are discursively shaped, as well as the subsequent discursive effects of social practices.
Language and Power (1989; now in a revised third edition 2014) explored the imbrications between language and social institutional practices and of "wider" political and social structures. In the book Fairclough developed the concept of synthetic personalisation to account for the linguistic effects providing an appearance of direct concern and contact with the individual listener in mass-crafted discourse phenomena, such as advertising, marketing, and political or media discourse. This is seen as part of a larger-scale process of technologisation of discourse, which englobes the increasingly subtle technical developments in the field of communication that aim to bring under scientifically regulated practice semiotic fields that were formerly considered supraseg mental, such as patterns of intonation, the graphic layout of text on the page or proxemic data.
His book New Labour, New Language? looks at the rhetoric used by the Labour Party in the United Kingdom, with a particular focus on the party's developments towards New Labour. This is a book about the politics of  New Labour that focuses on language. Fairclough gets behind the rhetoric to uncover the real meaning. He examines a wide range of political speeches and texts, from Tony Blair's speech following the death of Diana to the 1997 Labour Party Manifesto and Bill Clinton's book Between Hope and History. New Labour, New Language? blows open the whole debate on the nature of the political discourse of New Labour and the 'Third Way'.

  • Fairclough, Norman (1989). Language and Power. London: Longman.
  • Fairclough, Norman (1992). Discourse and Social Change. Cambridge: Polity Press.
  • Fairclough, Norman (1995). Media Discourse. London: Edward Arnold.
  • Fairclough, Norman (1995). Critical Discourse Analysis. Boston: Addison Wesley.
  • Chouliaraki, Lilie and Norman Fairclough (1999). Discourse in Late Modernity - Rethinking Critical Discourse Analysis. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
  • Fairclough, Norman (2000). New Labour, New Language? London: Routledge.
  • Fairclough, Norman (2001). Language and Power (2nd edition). London: Longman.
  • Fairclough, Norman (2003). Analysing Discourse: Textual Analysis for Social Research. London: Routledge.
  • Fairclough, Norman (2006). Language and Globalization. London: Routledge.
  • Fairclough, Norman (2007). (Ed.). Discourse and Contemporary Social Change. Bern.
Journal articles
  • Fairclough, Norman (1985). Critical and Descriptive Goals in Discourse Analysis. Journal of Pragmatics 9: 739-763.
  • Fairclough, Norman (1992). Discourse and Text: Linguistic Intertextual  Analysis within Discourse Analysis. Discourse and Society 3(2): 193-217.
  • Fairclough, Norman (1993). Critical Discourse Analysis and the Marketisation of Public Discourse: The Universities. Discourse & Society 4(2): 133-168.
  • Fairclough, Norman (1996). A Reply to Henry Widdowson's 'Discourse Analysis: A Critical View'. Language & Literature 5(1): 49-56.
  • Fairclough, Norman (1996). Rhetoric and Critical Discourse Analysis: A Reply to Titus Ensink and Christoph Sauer. Current Issues in Language & Society 3(3): 286-289.
  • Fairclough, Norman (1999). Global Capitalism and Critical Awareness of Language. Language Awareness 8(2): 71–83. Available: .
  • Fairclough, Norman (2000). Discourse, Social Theory, and Social Research: The Discourse of Welfare Reform. Journal of Sociolinguistics 4(2): 163-195.
  • Fairclough, Norman (2000). Response to Carter and Sealey. Journal of Sociolinguistics 4(1): 25-29.
  • Fairclough, Norman (2001). The Dialectics of Discourse. Textus 14(2): 3-10. [Online]. Available (£6.00): . [June 12, 2002].
  • Fairclough, Norman (2002). Language in New Capitalism. Discourse & Society 13(2): 163-166.
  • Fairclough, Norman (2003). 'Political Correctness': The Politics of Culture and Language. Discourse & Society 14(1): 17-28.
  • Fairclough, Norman (2003). Review of Pennycook's Critical Applied Linguistics. Discourse & Society 14(6): 805-808.
  • Fairclough, Norman, Graham, Phil, Lemke, Jay & Wodak, Ruth (2004). Introduction. Critical Discourse Studies 1(1): 1-7.
  • Fairclough, Norman (2005). Peripheral Vision: Discourse Analysis in Organization Studies: The Case for Critical Realism. Organization Studies (Sage Publications Inc.) 26(6): 915-939.

40 komentar:

  1. Hy refi. This is interested post. I want ask to you about this. Give me example of relation between politic and language? Thank you...

    1. Okay kenny julita, in my opinion “Politics is a exciting, fast-changing, broad-based discipline. Our programmes are extremely flexible and offer extensive module choice, reflecting the research interests of our staff, including conflict resolution, federalism, comparative politics, European integration, ethnic conflict, terrorism, the theory of international relations, political theory, and the politics of countries such as China, Japan, Russia and the USA”.
      And Language is fundamental to everything we do: it helps us communicate ideas, express our feelings, persuade, and present ourselves to different audiences. English Language and Linguistics is therefore an ideal complement to subjects where an understanding of how language works is important.
      So,Combining theoretical and practical elements, the programme explores both the structure of language and its relationship with culture, society, and the mind. A broad choice of theoretical topics encompasses such areas as syntax, phonetics and phonology, morphology, sociolinguistics, language acquisition, semantics, pragmatics, literary stylistics and critical and cultural theory, while modules in language learning and teaching, creative and media writing, and language and media have a more vocational focus.

  2. Hi refii.. Iam interest with one of the Norman Fairclaugh book, the title is Language and Globalization. Can you explain with your own word, what is Language and Globalization talk about? Thank you Refii.. :)

    1. In Norman Fairclaugh book the title is Language and Globalization “Language and Globalization explores the effects of language in the processes of globalization”. Norman Fairclough adopts the approach of combining critical discourse analysis with cultural political economy to develop a new theory of the relationship between discourse and other dimensions of globalization. Using examples from a variety of countries such as the USA, Britain, Romania, Hungary and Thailand, Language and Globalization shows how the analysis of texts can be coherently integrated within political economic analysis. Fairclough incorporates topical issues such as the war on terror and the impact of the media on globalization into his discussion. Areas covered include: “globalization and language: review of academic literature”, discourses of globalization”, “the media, mediation and globalization”, “globalization, war and terrorism”. This book will be of interest to students and researchers in applied linguistics, language and politics and discourse analysis.

  3. hii refy i like your material and your blog, your blog very nice. your expert Norman Fairclough research about political Discourse Ananlysis,and your write in material any text simultaneously, so, what the any text simultaneously? please simple explain to me. thank you

    1. Thank you mayani, okay in journal ; Fairclough seek to build a model of discourse analysis that has contribution in social analysis and culture so that it combines the tradition of textual analysis in the context of society a broader point of great attention from Fairclough is viewed language as the exercise of power to see how the language user to bring the value of a particular ideological, needs analysis thoroughly Furthermore, Fairclough saw discourse simultaneously as text language, either orally or in writing, "discourse practice is the production of text and interpretation of the text," the practice of sociocultural, ie the change $ change society, institutions, culture, and so determines the shape and meaning of a the third discourse discourse element is called by Fairclough as the dimensions of discourse that should be analyzed integrally.

  4. Hi refi, I like your material about political discourse analysis. but I want ask you question. Are this material was useful in politic?

    1. Thank you kak sel, in my opinion this material useful, indeed in the material that I made no manner or material about politics. but from the material that I make the reader can find journals and books on politics.

  5. Frist, u said u wanna disscus about expert of politic discours analysis, but in your explaination you say about critical discourse analysis. So, what is the relationship between politic discourse analysis and CDA? Or that can be same ? Thanks

    1. Okay indah, Critical discourse analysis (CDA) brings the critical tradition in social analysis into language studies, and contributes to critical social analysis a particular focus on discourse, and onrelations between discourse and other social elements (power relations, ideologies,institutions, social identities, and so forth). Critical social analysis can be understood asnormative and explanatory critique. It is normative critique in that does not simply describeexisting realities but also evaluates them, assesses the extent to which they match up tovarious values which are taken (more or less contentiously) to be fundamental for just or decent societies (e.g. certain standards – material but also political and cultural - of humanwell-being). It is explanatory critique in that it does not simply describe existing realities butseeks to explain them, for instance by showing them to be effects of structures or mechanismsor forces which the analyst postulates and whose reality s/he seeks to test out (e.g.inequalities in wealth, income and access to various social goods might be explained as aneffect of mechanisms and forces associated with ‘capitalism’).

  6. Hi refi.. i like your material about political discourse analysis. Can you give me summary about this material?.give me simple explanation. Thank you..

  7. Hi refi.. i like your material about political discourse analysis. Can you give me summary about this material?.give me simple explanation. Thank you..

    1. Thank you ikha, this is summary for you,
      Norman Fairclough (born 1941) is emeritus Professor of Linguistics at Lancaster University. He is one of the founders of critical discourse analysis (CDA) as applied to sociolinguistics. CDA is concerned with how power is exercised through language.
      Norman Fairclough began work on CDA in the early 1980s (for my first use of the term, see 'Critical and descriptive goals in discourse analysis', Journal of Pragmatics 9 1985) with the aim of linking the academic work to his political activities.
      Norman Fairclough known for his thoughts on the critical discourse analysis. Concept which he forms focus on three levels, first, any text simultaneously has three functions, namely representation, relationships, and identity. Functions relating to the representation of the ways that is done to show the social reality into text form.
      Second, the practice of discourse covers the ways in which media workers producing text. This relates to the reporters themselves as individuals; the nature of the work network with fellow journalists other media workers; media as an institution working patterns, such as how to cover the news, write news, to become news in the media.
      Thirdly, the socio-cultural practices to analyze three things: the economy, politics (especially with regard to issues of power and ideology), and culture (particularly with regard to values and identity) that also affect istitusi media, and discourse. The discussion of socio-cultural practices include three levels of situational rate, related to the production and level of the institutional context of the situation, with regard to the influence of internal and external institutions. Social level, associated with a more macro situation, such as the political system, economic system, cultural system and society as a whole.
      Language and Power (1989; now in a revised third edition 2014) explored the imbrications between language and social institutional practices and of "wider" political and social structures. In the book Fairclough developed the concept of synthetic personalisation to account for the linguistic effects providing an appearance of direct concern and contact with the individual listener in mass-crafted discourse phenomena, such as advertising, marketing, and political or media discourse. This is seen as part of a larger-scale process of technologisation of discourse, which englobes the increasingly subtle technical developments in the field of communication that aim to bring under scientifically regulated practice semiotic fields that were formerly considered supraseg mental, such as patterns of intonation, the graphic layout of text on the page or proxemic data.
      His book New Labour, New Language? looks at the rhetoric used by the Labour Party in the United Kingdom, with a particular focus on the party's developments towards New Labour. This is a book about the politics of New Labour that focuses on language. Fairclough gets behind the rhetoric to uncover the real meaning. He examines a wide range of political speeches and texts, from Tony Blair's speech following the death of Diana to the 1997 Labour Party Manifesto and Bill Clinton's book Between Hope and History. New Labour, New Language? blows open the whole debate on the nature of the political discourse of New Labour and the 'Third Way'.

  8. Assalamualaikum ukhti😇 your expert same with me. Hmm can you make me more be understand with your write with your languange?

    1. Thank you siti
      Norman Fairclough born in 1941, he is emeritus Professor of Linguistics at Lancaster University. He is one of the founders of critical discourse analysis as applied to sociolinguistics. CDA is concerned with how power is exercised through language.
      Norman Fairclough began work on CDA in the early 1980s (for my first use of the term, see 'Critical and descriptive goals in discourse analysis', Journal of Pragmatics 9 1985) with the aim of linking the academic work to his political activities.
      Norman Fairclough known for his thoughts on the critical discourse analysis. Concept which he forms focus on three levels, first, any text simultaneously has three functions, namely representation, relationships, and identity. Second, the practice of discourse covers the ways in which media workers producing text. Thirdly, the socio-cultural practices to analyze three things: the economy, politics (especially with regard to issues of power and ideology), and culture (particularly with regard to values and identity) that also affect istitusi media, and discourse. Language and Power (1989; now in a revised third edition 2014) explored the imbrications between language and social institutional practices and of "wider" political and social structures. In the book Fairclough developed the concept of synthetic personalisation to account for the linguistic effects providing an appearance of direct concern and contact with the individual listener in mass-crafted discourse phenomena, such as advertising, marketing, and political or media discourse. This is seen as part of a larger-scale process of technologisation of discourse, which englobes the increasingly subtle technical developments in the field of communication that aim to bring under scientifically regulated practice semiotic fields that were formerly considered supraseg mental, such as patterns of intonation, the graphic layout of text on the page or proxemic data.

  9. hay the young one's. You have great expert of Political Discourse Analysis. so, what is the key that make He became famous ? ^*^

    1. Thank you makuwo,Renowned From Norman Fairclough is discourses which ia created, theory and also books and journals her.

  10. Assalamualaikum ukhti, i so like norman fairclough, but why you choose political not critical discourse?

    1. Thank you akhun, why I choose political not critical discourse because that addresses critical there are already some of our friends who explains akhun, so I choose politics as our knowledge increases. and in political discourse I also speak a little about critical discourse akhun.

  11. hii epii,i like your material about political discourse,but why you choose Norman Fairclough as expert in political discourse,are you not find onether expert? thanks epii...

    1. I chose norman faircluogh as an expert I discussed because I think he is an intelligent person. even though he was old, but he still often present as a speaker. and his books was very famous. not because I do not find another expert put, but the first at reading his biography I immediately liked him.

  12. your material good. but I have a question, I am interested in the discourse under study, can you explain briefly about it?

    1. Thank you wan,
      Norman Fairclough born in 1941, he is emeritus Professor of Linguistics at Lancaster University. He is one of the founders of critical discourse analysis as applied to sociolinguistics. CDA is concerned with how power is exercised through language.
      Norman Fairclough began work on CDA in the early 1980s (for my first use of the term, see 'Critical and descriptive goals in discourse analysis', Journal of Pragmatics 9 1985) with the aim of linking the academic work to his political activities.
      Norman Fairclough known for his thoughts on the critical discourse analysis. Concept which he forms focus on three levels, first, any text simultaneously has three functions, namely representation, relationships, and identity. Second, the practice of discourse covers the ways in which media workers producing text. Thirdly, the socio-cultural practices to analyze three things: the economy, politics (especially with regard to issues of power and ideology), and culture (particularly with regard to values and identity) that also affect istitusi media, and discourse. Language and Power (1989; now in a revised third edition 2014) explored the imbrications between language and social institutional practices and of "wider" political and social structures. In the book Fairclough developed the concept of synthetic personalisation to account for the linguistic effects providing an appearance of direct concern and contact with the individual listener in mass-crafted discourse phenomena, such as advertising, marketing, and political or media discourse. This is seen as part of a larger-scale process of technologisation of discourse, which englobes the increasingly subtle technical developments in the field of communication that aim to bring under scientifically regulated practice semiotic fields that were formerly considered supraseg mental, such as patterns of intonation, the graphic layout of text on the page or proxemic data.

  13. hii repiii manisss, your blog very beautifull there are fall flower.hehe

    i interested about your material of political discourse analysis. and i have little quetion for you.based on your materials that political discourse analysis discussion of socio-cultural practices include three levels of situational rate. Can you tell me any of the three levels ?

    thanks a lot repi.

    1. Thank you ajo Ridho ,
      Concept which he forms focus on three levels, first, any text simultaneously has three functions, namely representation, relationships, and identity. Functions relating to the representation of the ways that is done to show the social reality into text form.
      Second, the practice of discourse covers the ways in which media workers producing text. This relates to the reporters themselves as individuals; the nature of the work network with fellow journalists other media workers; media as an institution working patterns, such as how to cover the news, write news, to become news in the media.
      Thirdly, the socio-cultural practices to analyze three things: the economy, politics (especially with regard to issues of power and ideology), and culture (particularly with regard to values and identity) that also affect istitusi media, and discourse. The discussion of socio-cultural practices include three levels of situational rate, related to the production and level of the institutional context of the situation, with regard to the influence of internal and external institutions. Social level, associated with a more macro situation, such as the political system, economic system, cultural system and society as a whole.

  14. Hi repi, nice post article.
    can you explain what a larger-scale process of technologisation of discourse? i little dont understand

    1. Thak you silvia,
      larger-scale process of technologisation of discourse is the increasingly subtle technical developments in the field of communication that aim to bring under scientifically regulated practice semiotic fields that were formerly considered supraseg mental, such as patterns of intonation, the graphic layout of text on the page or proxemic data.

  15. hy reppii...
    i am like your material and i want ask you question why you choose about this ?

    1. Okay mak defi, I choose it because I liked the discussion in politics, so I chose norman Fairclough became expert that I discuss. norman Fairclough has a critical discourse that is well known and has Journals and the famous book.

  16. Hi Refy!
    Blog you very ... very ... ^_^ I like your blog...
    Sorry, but I am very curious about the TODA. Is it true TODA? Can you explain briefly. Make me understand.
    Thank you Refy...

    1. Thank you riwa,
      Fairclough's line of study, Also called textually oriented discourse analysis or TODA, to extinguishing it from philosophical inquires not involving the use of linguistic methodology, is specially concerned with the mutual effects of Formally linguistic textual properties, sociolinguistic speech genres, and Formally sociological practices. So, TODA is textually oriented discourse analysis of Fairclough's line of study.

  17. hello refi, i have question for u
    what different between Discourse analysis and content analysis?
    thank u

    1. Okay putra,
      Discourse Analysis is widely for the study of usage of languages in texts and its contextual meaning.Critical Discourse Analysis usually abbreviated as CDA is the analytical discourse as a research to study the social perpetuation of dominance, power abuse by text and talk in a socio-political context.

  18. Hai epi, I like your material and I interested about your material but I don't know about TODA, can you explain about TODA with your oun.
    Thankyou epi

    1. Thank you ici cuit,
      Fairclough's line of study, Also called textually oriented discourse analysis or TODA, to extinguishing it from philosophical inquires not involving the use of linguistic methodology, is specially concerned with the mutual effects of Formally linguistic textual properties, sociolinguistic speech genres, and Formally sociological practices. So, TODA is textually oriented discourse analysis of Fairclough's line of study.

  19. hiii refyy,your blog very very nice. i have quastion for you, what different between language and social in political DA.. THX HONEY 😚

    1. Thank you gina, Language is one of the most powerful emblems of social behavior. In the normal transfer of information through language, we use language to send vital social messages about who we are, where we come from, and who we associate with. It is often shocking to realize how extensively we may judge a person's background, character, and intentions based simply upon the person's language, dialect, or, in some instances, even the choice of a single word.Given the social role of language, it stands to reason that one strand of language study should concentrate on the role of language in society. Sociolinguistics has become an increasingly important and popular field of study, as certain cultures around the world expand their communication base and intergroup and interpersonal relations take on escalating significance. The basic notion underlying sociolinguistics is quite simple: Language use symbolically represents fundamental dimensions of social behavior and human interaction. The notion is simple, but the ways in which language reflects behavior can often be complex and subtle. Furthermore, the relationship between language and society affects a wide range of encounters from broadly based international relations to narrowly defined interpersonal relationships.

  20. Hai repii , please give example between politic and language? 
    Thank you

    1. Thank you bou ku,
      Language politics also sometimes relates to dialect, where speakers of a particular dialect are perceived as speaking a more culturally advanced or correct form of the language. Politicians may therefore try to use that dialect rather than their own when in the public eye. Alternatively, at times those speaking the dialect perceived as more correct may try to use another dialect when in the public eye to be seen as a man/woman of the people.

  21. hi refi, could you give me some book or journal that give by prof. norman to you to make me some assuumtion about CDA. Thankyiu
